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"Molding Kids For Success"
Molding Kids For Success is a non-profit organization that strives to educate the youth of our community in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This is done by combining classroom experiments with real-world applications on the manufacturing floor. Not only are we "molding kids for success," but we are molding kids to have a bright future.

Classroom Experiments
Molding Your Imagination
During the camp, students conduct multiple experiments learning about plastics, thermosets, polymers, and much more. Is it important to teach the students about these processes and also to teach them how what they learn translates to the real world.

Real World Application
Molding Your Imagination
One of the issues that our Project Engineer, Brandon Frederick, noticed was that the kids were having a hard time taking classwork knowledge and converting that to real-world applications. Because of this, we start with the kids in the classroom to gain knowledge, then go on the floor to see with their own eyes what they just learned.

The Gap:
•Between 2017 and 2029, the number of STEM jobs will grow 8 percent, a higher rate than non-STEM jobs—with positions in computing, engineering, and advanced manufacturing leading the way. (Via the US Department of Labor)
•Diverse candidates make up on 20% of S.T.E.M career professionals
•The demand for skilled labor is outpacing the pipeline
•40% of the women who start in a S.T.E.M career change careers or exit all together
•Some but not all teachers are struggling to connect theory and application

The Goal:
The goal of "Molding Kids For Success" is simple. We want to expose kids to S.T.E.M at an early age. It is evident that children are not being exposed early enough. Part of this can be the curriculum in schools and also being a part of underprivileged school systems. Core Technology's goal is to teach the youth of today to create the future of tomorrow.
"By the end of the week, some students are different people," Foster said. "They had the book knowledge, but now they have the confidence that they can speak intelligently and scientifically. That's a challenge when they go to school with students not necessarily on STEM paths. Here, they can be themselves. They can talk intelligently and be applauded vs. being picked on."
Geoff Foster, CEO

"Building relationships is really important and we think that this camp is a great way of bringing the community together. We can expand not just at the community level, but as a nation we can bring everybody together."